The club is in need of Referees to create a fair and exciting environment for games. USSF allows Youth 13 up to Adults to be certified to officiate. Because we have games for ages U20 – U8 that need officials, older high schoolers and adult referees are always welcomed to the club.
Benefits of refereeing include
- Providing a service to your club and your community
- Great exercise, you will be required to run to be close to the action to make calls
- Flexibility, you pick the times you can work and we schedule you appropriately. You have an opportunity to confirm the games we assign you to.
- Give the children a great competitive experience by providing a fair and level game with clear rules enforcement
- Help the coaches, they are often the most appreciative of having refs available for their games
- Earn some extra money on the side doing something fun.
New Referees and Recertification
- Visit
- Click the “Sign Up” button at the top right
- Select “As a referee”
- Fill out the form with the pertinent details.
- Unless you have been a certified referee or coach in the past, click “I don’t need help finding a duplicate profile”.
- If you are 17 or older, you will need to sign up for a background check.
- At the top Click “Courses”
- Select “Background Screening” and proceed with that. Again, that’s only required if you will turn 18 this year.
- Proceed with the prompts, it takes about a week to do your background screening, and you can not start the online training until then.
- Conduct SafeSport training under Courses
- Do Concussion Training – You only need to complete one of the two below. If you’ve done it for coaching or something else, it should count as long as you have your certificate. Make sure you save a copy of your certificate and e-mail it to with your name.
- National Federation of HIgh Schools: (SUGGESTED) - US Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
- National Federation of HIgh Schools: (SUGGESTED)
- Sign up for the course
- Select “Courses” at the top
- “Grassroots – First-time Referees” – at the left side.
“New (First Time) Grassroots Referee Course (Webinar #3-21)” – Is the course that will be held online. The Host should be “Ohio North Referee Committee”
- NOTE: If you have not done your background check, it will stop you here until you complete.
- Complete the Online portion of the course
- After registering (Step 4),
Go to My Courses and select the First-time referees course, and once open select the Assignments tab. It will look similar to the one on the right.
- SafeSport (Step 2 above) needs to be complete, this is the only section you can do while awaiting your background check.
- Grassroots referee course
- Grassroots referee quiz
- Safe and Helathy Environment
- After registering (Step 4),
- Attend the In person class at EGCC room 2100 from 10 AM to 4 PM. NOTE: If you know you can not attend the 4/4 class, but still want to be certified, you can attend another class listed. Once you complete your in-person class, please notify Robert Zaleski or Eric Timmons so we can get you into our Assignr system so you can get scheduled for games.
- Purchase an “Official Sports” Soccer referee uniform. .NOTE: you will need at least one set of flags for your family.
- Get set up on the website, Robert Zaleski the club secretary will start reaching out to people registered for the course Mid March.
Recreational Game Pay Rates (Mostly Saturdays, with some evening games)
U8- $10
U10- $20/10/10
U12- $30/15/15
U15- $50/20/20
Competitive Game Pay Rates (Mostly Sunday Afternoons)
U10 to U12- $35/20/20
U13 to U14- $40/25/25
U15 to U19- $55/30/30
Alternate is $15- Alternate goes to the game in case another ref gets injured or doesn’t show up. In case of a no-show they will get AR pay.
If you have any questions about the process, feel free to contact
Robert Zaleski
JKYSC Secretary